Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful Mom's! It is hard to image the Buff chicks are now three weeks old and taking up a lot more room in the brooder! They are growing, and the little combs are now a noticeable development. They will be out of the brooder soon. We are going through the starter feed quicker and I put a gallon fount in with them to make sure they have plenty of fresh water. They continue to feather out.

The Red Golden pheasants have been busy. The hen didn't go broody when I had thought she might. So the eggs are being incubated. I didn't want to run the risk of losing the eggs and I am under some time constraints as well in being around for the hatch. So I gathered up the 15 eggs and began the process last week. Candling thus far shows signs of a potentially good hatch.

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